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Learn Hindi Verbs Present, Past & Future

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Using Hindi to talk about oneself and others and to talk about activities that happened in the past, that are happening now and that will happen in future. We also need to learn the gender spefic verbs and the way to appropriately use them. Check the two books given below.


The first book deals with basic verbs and nouns and immediately shows how to make sentences.


The second book deals with the first, second and third person sentences. The past, present, and future forms are also included.


Constant practice and using these sentences with someone you know is the only way you can get a grip on them. So use them with your family, friends, WhatsApp classmates, and the Language Learning Community members.

For the free books go to

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Past forms with 'ne'. 

We add 'ne' to the verb and talk about something that happened in the past. In such cases the verb does not take the gender of the subject, instead it takes the gender of the object.

Example: Ram + ne roti khayi.

Here Ram is masculine and should take the verb khaya, generally speaking. But when we add 'ne' to Ram the rule changes.

Roti is feminine, so we use a feminine verb khayi to match with the object roti, in this sentence.

Ramne Roti khayi.

Radhane darvaja Khola. - here Radha is the name of a girl but Darwaja or door is considered masculine in Hindi and hence the verb will not be kholi (feminine) but khola (masculine).

Khola - opened - verb matches with door or Darvaja - the object.

What did Radha open - Darvaja, the door

What gender is the door? - masculine

So what gender should the verb be? - masculine

So we use Radhane Darvaja khola.

Watch this one minute video to learn more.
